doing up a cause for thyselves
the quest to be different
or at least, to express the same old mundane things
in perspectives that stretch beyond the common
what's good about the same old same old rite?
u want to stand out
yet yr attempts make u the same like the rest
in the end, thy wordy arrangement are nothing more than traces of ink
nothingness and inconsequence
nothing more.
- for those who wish to sound sophisticated and beyond the ordinary, or even mysterious, or whatever they know theyre essentially not. ;)
the quest to be different
or at least, to express the same old mundane things
in perspectives that stretch beyond the common
what's good about the same old same old rite?
u want to stand out
yet yr attempts make u the same like the rest
in the end, thy wordy arrangement are nothing more than traces of ink
nothingness and inconsequence
nothing more.
- for those who wish to sound sophisticated and beyond the ordinary, or even mysterious, or whatever they know theyre essentially not. ;)
i need the spark to ignite.
i want my Nur.
i need my Nur.
i need my Nur.
hmm. when a want, becomes a need.
it used to be okay when it wasnt there.
after a while though, u cant live without it.
or at least, you'd feel lost.
thing is, we both haf different styles of expressing ourselves.
shes more succinct. and im more... let juz say, elaborative. haha
so whats the remedy?...
perhaps, our mere presence is enough.
i love you nur...
oh yeah.
a lil of narrative updates: today i was the mercury man. and i learnt how to handle the mastrena. and my store is the first in asia-pacific to be graced by its presence.
dah. tu je. :P
it used to be okay when it wasnt there.
after a while though, u cant live without it.
or at least, you'd feel lost.
i was lost.
the compass turned upside down, and the earth started spinning funny.
the compass turned upside down, and the earth started spinning funny.
the recalibration was rough.
yet it woke me up.
she'd be there, whenever i want her to be.
though perhaps not always physically.
yet it woke me up.
she'd be there, whenever i want her to be.
though perhaps not always physically.
and silence does not necessarily mean absence.
thats what i was told.
thats what i was told.
thing is, we both haf different styles of expressing ourselves.
shes more succinct. and im more... let juz say, elaborative. haha
so whats the remedy?...
perhaps, our mere presence is enough.
i love you nur...
oh yeah.
a lil of narrative updates: today i was the mercury man. and i learnt how to handle the mastrena. and my store is the first in asia-pacific to be graced by its presence.
dah. tu je. :P
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